
How to score well in the IELTS listening exam?

If you intend to appear for the IELTS exam you must be well aware that the  IELTS exam consists of several modules. One of the modules is the listening one. In this module, you will hear audio and then write answers to the answer sheet accordingly. Now, this requires patience and determination. If you do not pay proper attention while listening to the audio then there are good chances that you will not be able to find the answers to the questions. If you are someone who is struggling to do well in the listening section then no need to worry. In this article, we are going to provide you with some extremely effective tips to do well in the listening section.

Don’t forget that your overall band score is going to be determined by the individual band score in all four modules. Hence, it is very important to do well in every module. You need to identify the module in which you are lacking and then practice for it accordingly. The listening section isn’t as hard as students perceive. You just need proper focus and attention to do well. If you are facing trouble preparing for the IELTS exam on your own then we suggest you connect with the best ielts centre in Patiala.

Here are the effective tips to do wonders in the listening section of the IELTS exam:

Attempt all questions

You should make an effort to attempt every question. So even if you’re not sure about some questions then try to think about them more and answer them. But yes you should not waste too much time on one question. If you’re not able to solve it, you can move on to the next one. There is no negative marking in the exam so you can answer all the questions but the time is limited. You cannot waste your time only on one question. If you are unsure about some questions then leave them for the end. Also, you have limited time to jot down your answers on the answer sheet. So, be quick in doing so.

Just write keywords

One major blunder that students commit during listening is that they keep on writing answers in detail while listening to the audio. See you just have to write down the keywords and abbreviations related to the answers. You should be able to find out the difference between significant and insignificant information. When you listen to the audio there will be a lot of information that is non-essential and not relevant for your answer.

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Don’t lose your focus

As mentioned before, proper focus is very integral in the listening module of the IELTS exam. Be it any exam if you lack focus then it can be a distant dream to clear that exam. Therefore, you need to avoid distractions to stay focused on your test. If you miss any important detail you don’t have the option to listen to the conversation again. So, due to this, you have to listen to the audio very attentively in the first go. You can build your focus and attention by doing the prior practice of listening tasks before your IELTS exam.

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Practice more

Are you still feeling scared to ace the listening module? Well, if yes then time to practice the module as you can. Students of the present era are lucky as they have access to excellent resource materials online for no fees. Make use of this advantage. Dig out listening tasks online and practice them. You can take a printout of the answer sheet or jot down answers in any notebook. After completing the sample tasks analyze your performance. You might not do well in your first attempt but with regular practice, you can manage to do wonders in the listening section. If you are preparing for the PTE exam then join the Best PTE Institute in Patiala to learn from experienced trainers.

Wrapping Up

To wrap up, the listening module of the IELTS exam can be high high-scoring section. It can take your overall band score to optimal heights. The only thing you need is patience and attentiveness. While listening to the audio your mind should only focus on the audio and nothing else. To ensure an excellent band score in the listening module, follow the above tips with determination.

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